Rapid Prototyping

Selective laser melting or SLM is an additive rapid manufacturing technique that uses a high power laser to fuse small particles of metal powders into a mass representing a desired 3D object. A wide variety of alloys including many...
Fused Deposition Modeling or FDM works on an “additive” principle by laying down material in layers. A plastic filament is extruded through a nozzle which can turn on and off the flow. The nozzle is heated to melt and deposit material in the shape of...
SLA Duramax is an ideal material for testing form and function of many designs that are intended for injection moulding. It has very similar material properties to a finished product. High levels of detail and finish are easily...
Plaster is an ideal material for producing models to investigate form and perspective. Commonly used for architectural models. It can be printed with many different colours and even texture maps or pictures. Fine details can easily be...
Investment casting rapid prototypes consist of a lost form Wax Steriolithography "positive", dipped in a liquid ceramic coating, which is baked causing the wax to run out, leaving a "negative" of the part behind. This is then...
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