Navigation aids
All pages display breadcrumbs at the top of the page immediately below the Main Menu .To aid in quick navigation, please visit the Sitemap – Quick navigation page.
The General structure of this website is quite simple. Three levels are provided, “The Main Menu, Categories and Articles”.
The Articles are where the detailed content of your enquiry will be found.
There are also four colours that theme each of our Main Menu Areas. These colours will be in the Category Banner or displayed as a thick line at the top of the article list and then on the article page, the actual article heading will be in the appropriate colour.
Services pages will have a green bias, Product pages will have a blue bias, Portfolio will have a red bias and all other website or company info will be orange.
In the event of a non-coloured screen being used for viewing, the above mentioned colours will appear in a grey scale.
Part of this website's dedication to standards compliancy is that in addition to semantically marking up pages, many links have "Title" attributes which describe the link in greater detail, unless the text of the link already fully describes the target (such as the headline of an article).
In as much as is possible, links are written to make sense out of context.
Links will highlight and become underlined when the mouse cursor is placed over them. When a link has been visited it will change colour to indicate that you have clicked/visited that link.
All content images used in this site include descriptions, which are displayed when the mouse rolls over the image when it is viewed fullsize. All Banner images also display a description when the mouse cursor is placed or rolled over them.
Visual Design
A complete description is being prepared for here.
Accessibility References
W3 Accessibility Guidelines, which explains the reasons behind each guideline.
W3 Accessibility Techniques, which explains how to implement each guideline.
W3 Accessibility Checklist, a busy developer's guide to accessibility.
Accessibility Software
JAWS, a screen reader for Windows. A time-limited, downloadable demo is available.
Lynx, a free text-only web browser for blind users with refreshable Braille displays.
Opera, a visual browser with many accessibility-related features, including text zooming, user stylesheets, image toggle. A free downloadable version is available. Compatible with Windows, Macintosh, Linux, and several other operating systems.
Accessibility services
HTML Validator - a free service for checking that web pages conform to published HTML standards.
Web Page Backward Compatibility Viewer - a tool for viewing your web pages without modern browser features.
Lynx Viewer - a free service for viewing what your web pages would look like in Lynx.
My Web, May Way - a partnership between the BBC and AbilityNet providing advice and help on changing your browser, computer and operating system settings, in order to be able to view the internet in a more accessible way.
Contact us
We are working to improve the accessibility of our site and welcome your suggestions and comments.
If you encounter any accessibility or technical problems when using this site, please contact us. If we cannot make the information accessible to you using your assistive technology, we will try to find an alternative way for you to access or be provided with the information.
Please note that although we continue to test and modify our site for accessibility there may be links to pages developed by third parties that are not compliant with our standards.